XCM Cross Battle Adapter Plus

PlayStation 3™ (PS3™) と互換性がある
USD 0.00
XCM Cross Battle Adapter Plus
XCM Cross Battle Adapter Plus


  • Connect a wired Xbox 360™ controller to your PlayStation3™ console
  • Supports rapid fire function
  • New: Supports rumble
  • Third party manufactured product!

Item Description

The XCM Cross Battle Adapter allows you to connect a wired 360™ controller to your PlayStation3™ console. Rapid fire function on all action buttons is supported. This new version now supports rumble.

Customer reviews

平均評価:  (4.5 5段階中)
投票数合計: 15

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Never have to use a Dualshock again!!! :)
I've been using this for online shooters and driving games,
and it works faultlessly.

I would recommend the Cross Battle Adapter Plus to anyone
who prefers the XBox controller over the PS3 Dualshock.
So close, yet so far.
On paper, this adapter sounds perfect. However, after plugging my Madcatz fightstick in and having a few rounds at SSFIV, I was hugely disappointed.
I'm not entirely sure whether it is just this particular adapter I got, or it's the same across the board, I cannot get all my moves to come out. Eg. fireballs would come out screen left, but not right. Also, executing links that ends with supers is next to impossible. The adapter picks up the buttons alright, but drops far too many directional inputs. (Charge characters are slightly better, still, not perfect)
I'd say this is a fine purchase if you're just using it for really really casual play, but for anyone that plays competitively, this is a no go.
ps. I've only tried this on the fightstick with SSFIV, not xbox controllers nor any other games.
great adapter
If you dislike the dualshock3 and think 360 controller is more comfortable then this is the product to get, functions like a normal controller works fine on a ps3 slim. Although it isn't that cheap, it is well built and works no problems.
Make your you have the wired 360 controller desgined for PC and NOT the 360 controller with play and charge cable.
What a great invention
The XCM Cross Battle Adapter Plus is awesome. Not being a fan of the Sony Dual Shock 3 controller, having the ability to use my Xbox 360 controller instead is like a dream come true. I got my XCM Cross Battle Adapter Plus just a couple of days before the Cross Battle Adapter 2.0 came out and I thought to myself ... "Why didn't I just wait a little longer". The Cross Battle Adapter 2.0 offers the added ability to swap your buttons around if you wish and it costs $10 more. Now that I'm used to the way PS3 shooters use the bumpers to aim and fire, I'm happy I went with this adapter. Also, some other PS3 games offer the ability to customize your controls so that you can make the triggers the aim and fire buttons anyway. Two things to remember about the product though. 1) You need a wired Xbox 360 controller for it to work and 2) It doesn't have any sixaxis motion control so it's only best suited for games that don't support sixaxis which are most if not all multiplatform titles like MW2. :)
All in all, a must have for a shooter fan who is making the transition from Xbox 360 to PS3.
XCM Cross Battle Adapter Plus
Works perfectly! Thank goodness: I no longer have to use Sony's crappy controllers!!!
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