A Tale of Love and Darkness

Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
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Product Languages

Language  Hebrew
Subtitles  English, Chinese (Traditional)

Item Description

10歲的懵懂少年奧茲家庭美滿,住在耶路撒冷。自小身邊就有母親法妮亞(妮坦莉寶雯 飾)和書不離手的父親阿里耶陪伴左右。正值以色列建國時期,奧茲的父母都全情投入為以色列獨立而奮鬥。特別是母親法妮亞,因她從小就因波蘭反猶太的巨大壓 力下而要舉家離鄉別井。但隨著對以色列獨立的激情與興奮冷卻後,法妮亞變得越來越離群與憂鬱;一直以來她夢寐以求的宗教自由,卻令她深深陷入無法言明的空 洞中…

The story of Amos Oz's youth, set against the backdrop of the end of the British Mandate for Palestine and the early years of the State of Israel. The film details the young man's relationship with his mother and his beginnings as a writer, while looking at what happens when the stories we tell become the stories we live.

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