Alice in the Country of Spades: Wonderful White World

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Version: Japan
Version: Asia
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Alice in the Country of Spades: Wonderful White World
Alice in the Country of Spades: Wonderful White World
Alice in the Country of Spades: Wonderful White World
Alice in the Country of Spades: Wonderful White World
Alice in the Country of Spades: Wonderful White World
Alice in the Country of Spades: Wonderful White World

Item Description

A fairy tale world, but a mysterious world where the hatter is the mafia and shoot-outs are not uncommon.

The story is set in "The Country of Spades," which is made up of four territories: White Territory, Black Territory, Hatter Mansion, and The Station. However, this country was in the midst of war and dangerous no matter where you went.

Meanwhile, the main character Alice, a realist who and by no means a dreamer, was saved from drowning in a lake, and by then had lost all of her memories.

She was unable to remember the people she never met, the people she used to be friends with, nor the circumstances surrounding them.

People she is supposed to be meeting for the first time, who seem somehow familiar and important, and someone she has forgotten…

In a country full of unfamiliar times, Alice builds new relationships despite her discomfort, learning to accept her lost memories and insane life.

Will this realist protagonist be able to find an honest romance in an unconventional world?

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Quinrose reborn – who would have thought!
The thing I didn't expect to happen, did actually happen. Another Alice in the County of Hearts came even though Quinrose declared bankruptcy. Anyways..
I'm still in the process of playing the game but here are my thoughts so far.

The music:
It's good. Some tracks take lots of inspiration from the older games, which creates a nostalgic emotion and the other songs fit the theme very well. Especially the title theme is a real banger!

The art:
As far as I got they tried to redraw the old artwork. The poses are the same but it's in a new artstyle. It's really pretty, so anyone who's only interested in aesthetics will probably be delighted. Honestly if you're rather into it because you loved the older games, you might prefer the older art. Especially Alice's round and soft art isn't for me, as it takes away from her cynical character.

The characters and synchronisation:
The old ones are oriented on the older games and as far as I got they seem to be represented fine. They also got the old voice actors to voice them! Pretty awesome. New characters in this edition are Lewis Carroll and Quin Silver, the others are Blood Dupre, Elliot March, Tweedle Dee and Dum.

I won't comment on the story as I'm still playing but if you're a fan of the other games I can recommend it. If you're new to the series it might be better to start with a different one as this is a second sequel (Alice in the country of hearts → Alice in the country of clover → Alice in the country of spade [this game]).

Thanks for reading!
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