Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Version: Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Version: Asia
Version: US
DVD Region 3
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  English, Cantonese
Subtitles  Chinese, English

Item Description

將要參觀王卡衛朱古力廠的你,猜想會有什麼奇幻驚喜?齊來品嚐朱古力房內遍地軟綿綿的薄荷糖草園…乘坐用糖做的粉紅色艇暢遊朱古力河…發明室裡試驗有食物 味道的神奇口香糖…觀賞天才松鼠在堅果工廠內的神乎奇技,以及乘坐透明升降機穿梭遊覽至電視房。在這裡,你會找到無窮無盡的新鮮好玩事物,整個旅程充滿驚 喜,還帶點神秘感,保證你像吃了王卡衛的頂級朱古力軟糖般滿足。改編自路亞戴爾的經典兒童讀物,由添布頓執導,尊尼狄普及費迪夏摩亞主演,帶你進入一個滿 載新發明、充滿創意的夢幻世界,確保你每分每秒都感到滋味無窮。

What wonders await you in Willy Wonka's factory? Explore fields of soft minty sugar grass in the chocolate Room...rail along the Chocolate River in a pink sugar boat...experiment with Everlasting Gobstoppers in the Inventing Room...observe talented squirrels in the Nut Room and travel to the Television Room by a glass elevator. You'll find a lot that's funny, a little that's mysterious...and an adventure as sweet and satisfying as a Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight bar. This dazzling film adapted from Roald Dahl's classic children's novel, directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp and Freddie Highmore, is your Golden Ticket to a world so inventive, so imaginative, you won't want to miss a delicious moment!

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