Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles The Crystal Bearers Music Collections

Version: Japan
Audio CD
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track listing

1 月光小夜曲 ~Monnlight Serenade~2 クリスタルベアラーランブル3 聖なる安息の地4 スカイダイブ!5 Trouble Up Ahead6 招かれざるもの7 Unknown Enemy8 エマージェンシー!9 王国軍10 王都アルフィタリア11 アルテア12 Together On The Run13 ランナウェイ14 遺跡15 リザレクション16 レト平原17 Catch And Throw18 荒野 ~Eastern Wildlands~19 シド20 橋の街21 参謀長22 追跡23 失われた種族24 バハムートストライク25 バハムートの怒り26 Prison Sands27 Snarky Tough Guy28 サーフィン レイル29 セルキーズギルド30 コスタ・ファギータ31 Girls,We Have To Win!32 ベル33 セルキートレイン34 権力35 ハイド&シーク36 Dig!Dig!Dig!37 ジングルメドレー38 Beyond The Horizon39 燃え上がる野望40 バレットレイン41 雪原42 Freezing Heat43 リベルゴーシュ修道院44 小さなドメーヌ45 王都庭園46 ケッカバウ47 チョコボ48 潜入49 アルテアワルツ50 星月夜51 約束のうるおい52 休息53 存在と不在の狭間54 モーグリの森55 浮遊監獄56 Blockade Buster57 クリスタルストライクバック58 脱出59 Quiet Lament60 A Hero's Resolve61 Hidden Tales Of Adventure62 儚きもの63 王国の為に64 運命65 Final Showdown66 Indomitabel67 This Is The End For You!68 聖なる安息の地 ~Kuule taa unelmain~69 栄華なるテーマ70 オレにまかせろ!

Item Description

The Crystal Bearer Original Soundtrack is a music theme park. A vast amount of genres are used to represent the worlds you travel through. Of course there are medieval style themes that sets the scenes of the game, rock and pop that accompany your fights. Celt music are especially good for denoting mysterious moments and Jazz adds color and flavour to the mood. Composed, arranged and produced by Square Enix's resident music producers Iwasaki Hidenori, Yamazaki Ryo and Tanioka Kumi have poured their resources together to build this musical journey.ファイナルファンタジーの派生作品として展開するゲームソフト「ファイナルファンタジー・クリスタルクロニクル」シリーズの最新作「クリスタルベアラー」のゲーム内BGMを収録した音楽CD。

Customer reviews

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The Crystal Bearers
Don't expect the musical style of the original Crystal Chronicles. The two new composers made an very unusual and diversified soundtrack from lively happiness to aggressive action with some harmonic tracks which let you remind Kumi Tanioka's compositions. Altogether it's worth a listen if your open for an new Crytstal Chronicles (just like the game itself).
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Eclectic soundtrack
There's definitely a bunch of different styles used in this soundtrack but I am giving it 4 stars since I think this soundtrack didn't live up to the standard of the other Crystal Chronicle soundtracks. Perhaps it was because a different composer but it just didn't have that same style as with the other ones.
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