Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  Cantonese, Mandarin, English
Subtitles  Chinese, Thai, Korean, Bahasa

Item Description

一個犯罪集團擁有強大的武器,究竟我們的成龍大哥又 會以甚麼應戰?答案是︰「梯子」。你沒聽錯,就是一把梯 子。成龍一向都以發明地上最強武器著稱(他也會用掃把、 高蹺、椅子、鯊魚(!),只要夠方便就手,凡出現於電影裡 的東西都如有神力般可讓一切化險為夷) 這齣殊不簡單的動 作喜劇將由一個尋找遺失的彈頭的簡單任務開始。我們的英 雄將帶我們走進驚險萬分的情節,從高樓聳立的香港鬧市、 經過白雪皚皚的烏克蘭,再到達陽光明媚的布里斯班。一幕 緊接一幕、令人喘不過氣的畫面從開首到結尾一氣呵成。大 家現在就要安坐家中,細心欣賞成龍與他的好拍檔 — 梯子,如何別開生面地的突破傳統框框,將傳統武術昇華至更 高的層次。

A hard-hitting gang has the numbers and weapons on its side. Jackie Chan has what's within his reach: a ladder. It will do.
Chan's amazingly inventive and widely famed deployment of a ladder as a weapon (he also uses a broom, stilts, a chair, a shark! and anything else that's handy during the film) is a highlight among highlights in this rollicking action/comedy in which he's called upon to recover a stolen warhead component. The adventure whisks our hero from high-rise Hong Kong to the snowy Ukraine to sunny Brisbane - and he plunges into it all with wall-to-wall kickbutt joy. Settle in and watch as Chan and a ladder lift the martial arts to new heights of fun.


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