Flowers of Taipei - Taiwan New Cinema

Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  Original
Subtitles  English, Chinese (Traditional)

Item Description

有人說,侯孝賢十年磨一刀練就了《聶隱娘》,但 這一刀其實已磨了三十多年。1980年代的台灣,自 由思潮正盛,侯孝賢、小野、吳念真、楊德昌、詹 宏志等人發動新電影運動,自此近代華語電影史寫 下了最重要的一頁。三十年過去了,但影響所及的 漣漪卻在時代的波瀾中,擴散到全世界。多位世界 級影人、藝術家,包括湯尼雷恩、是枝裕和、黑澤 清、艾未未、賈樟柯、劉小東、阿彼察邦韋拉斯花 古、奧利華阿薩耶斯等,在這部紀錄片中暢言台灣 新電影對他們的影響與啓發,從影像的本質、社會 文化的反省到個人生命的記憶,讓大家重新檢視台 灣新電影運動的價值與意義,也喚回了所有關於新 電影的美好記憶。本片在威尼斯影展「威尼斯經典」 單元全球首映,並角逐最佳紀錄片獎。

In 1982, under severe martial law, amid the stormy climate of pre democratization, a small group of Taiwanese filmmakers set out on a daring journey to discover their own identity, and in the process to reinvent Asian cinema. Unintentionally, these gutsy youngsters managed to offset the cheap-labor image of ‘Made in Taiwan’ by bestowing a cultural identity on their beloved homeland. Taiwan New Cinema not only inaugurated modern cinema in the Chinese world, it also secured itself a firm place on the world map of contemporary filmmaking. Flowers of Taipei is about the harbingers of this miracle: Edward Yang, Hou Hsiao Hsien and their peers; it’s about their vision, talent and the impact they made on contemporary cinema......

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