
Compatible with PlayStation 2™ (PS2™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
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Item Description

Ten years ago, Ebizo was a member of the valiant thief organization, “Gingarasu”, using his expert thieving skills to rob the rich and give to the poor. But because of an incident, he left that group and quit thieving altogether, adopting a little girl, Suzuna, as his daughter. But the good time did not last; Suzuna contracted a serious illness of unknown causes. In order to gather the amount of money that is needed to treat her illness, Ebizo decided to do what he did best, using his thieving skills to get hold of the needed cash. Can he help Suzuna recover from her illness?


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Japanese Edo Period Robinhood!
You've read about Robinhood, you've seen it all on the big screen! It's all about robbing the rich and feeding the poor! This pretty muc sums it up what this game is all about. BUT, forget the medieval the history and the old European settings, because this time its taking place during the Edo period of Japan.
You get to play as Ebizo, the hero who saves his sick child by robbing the rich and helping the poor. You have your own special arsenals of slick-mugging moves that can move like the wind without being seen in broad daylight. You have the choice to venture down into differen areas of cities and towns on the map while keeping your eyes open for the wanted mug-shots hanging around the cities. As you rob the rich and share the wealth among the poor, you'll earn your fame and popularity among the poor and build up your legendary status.
It's all about LOVE in this game, the compassion for a sick child and passion to help the poor! If your the ones who dream about being a hero to rob the rich and feed the poor, BE SURE NOT TO LET THIS PASS BY!
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