Samurai Spirits Rokuban Shoubu

Compatible with PlayStation 2™ (PS2™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
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Samurai Spirits Rokuban Shoubu
Samurai Spirits Rokuban Shoubu
Samurai Spirits Rokuban Shoubu
Samurai Spirits Rokuban Shoubu
Samurai Spirits Rokuban Shoubu
Samurai Spirits Rokuban Shoubu
Samurai Spirits Rokuban Shoubu

Product Features

  • aka. Samurai Shodown Anthology

Item Description

More well known titles from the NeoGeo era are revived for home consoles. Samurai Spirits chronicles that marks a turning point in the development of hack and slash fighters is converted for the PlayStation2™ and Nintendo Wii™.In addition to the old fun, this Online Collection version contains a lot more other elements which fully utilize the facilities of the PlayStation2™ and Nintendo Wii™.This collection contain five of the most representative games in the series:Samurai SpiritsShin Samurai SpiritsSamurai Spirits Zankourou Musou KenSamurai Spirits Tenkusa KourinSamural Spirits ReiAnd in addition to this, the collection comes with a bonus game called Samurai Spirits Tenka Ichi no Kenkaku den.Both PlayStation2™ and Nintendo Wii™ versions feature a color edit system that allows you to change your player character's outlook and two sets of background music for you to listen to.Aside from these audio and visual additions, the system is upgraded with a VS mode where you can repeatedly fight a character until you are satisfied with your scores. Another upgrade is the training mode where novices and veterans alike can practice on controls and sure-kill attacks.With the suitable networking facilities and hardware installed to your PlayStation2™ system, you can also launch the multi-matching mode and pick on all the best fighters throughout the network.五つの代表作+αを、PlayStation®2に結集!ゲーム史に残る血闘の軌跡を綴る侍魂クロニクル!!●剣戟格闘の元祖、"侍魂"シリーズの醍醐味を一気に楽しめるコレクターズアイテム!●収録タイトルは、ネオジオ版の完全移植として「サムライスピリッツ」、 「真サムライスピリッツ」、「サムライスピリッツ斬紅郎無双剣」、 「サムライスピリッツ天草降臨」、「サムライスピリッツ零」の五作品に ボーナスタイトルとして「サムライスピリッツ天下一剣客伝」を再収録!●さらに、「サムライスピリッツ天下一剣客伝」には新ボイスを実装!<オンラインコレクションならではの追加機能!>・ネオジオ版にはなかった繰り返し対人戦が行えるVSモードを搭載!・全タイトルのBGMにオリジナル&アレンジの2バージョンを収録!・好きなキャラクターカラーをキャラクターエディットで自由に作成!・初心者も上級者も様々な練習が行えるプラクティスモードを用意!・対戦中いつでも好きな時に技のコマンドをスキルリストで確認可能!・マルチマッチングBBを利用して全国の猛者たちとオンライン対戦!

Customer reviews

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Nombre de votes: 13

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along way come
has wait for snk bring this series to Playstation
I has owned fencing pack and 3-4 saturn version too So I really love this publisher
hope samurai sen and 64 will come to ps 3 and 360
For this series it wasn't port like early edition on ps 2 It's really arcade edition in all games
good work snk
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secure purchase
The definitive collection of Samurai Showdown, the games look great and the gameplay is good, very good price play asia friends
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One of the best fighting game series
This one is really good, it combines the classic samurai series into one package. Highly recommended for any fighting fans. Samurai Spirit is a must play fighting game!
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Great collection!
Love Samurai Showdown series! A great game to add to my collection!
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