Shock Wave 1+2 (4K UHD+2D Boxset) (4-Disc)

Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
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Product Languages

Language  Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles  Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), English

Product Features

  • Pictures shown may vary from actual product

Item Description

拆彈專家 1
章在山 (劉德華 飾) 任職「爆炸品處理課」(EOD –Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau)高級督察。七年前,以臥底探 員身份潛伏於頭號通緝犯「火爆」(姜武 飾)的犯罪團夥中, 並成功瓦解「火爆」的集團,但行動中「火爆」的親弟及 其他同黨卻被捕,只有「火爆」逃脫,為報被出賣之仇,「火爆」七年後重出江湖,以連環的炸彈驚魂,製造恐慌,引 章在山出動,展開一場驚心動魄的報復行動。

香港發生連環爆炸案,令全城人心惶惶。前拆彈專家潘乘風(劉德華飾)昏迷於案發現場,被警方列為頭號嫌疑犯,懷疑他跟邪惡組織“復生會”有密切聯繫。甦醒後的潘乘風,面對警方施壓式的盤問,決定逃走親自查明真相。在孤立無援的絕路上,潘乘風找他的前戰友拆彈專家董卓文(劉青雲飾)協助。同時,潘乘風現為反恐特勤隊總督察的前女友龐玲(倪妮飾),為查出連環爆炸案的幕後黑手,以確保市民安全,她說服潘乘風接觸“復生會”,追查這神秘組織的下一步恐襲計劃,並藉此證明他的清白。然而,令潘乘風最意想不到的, 竟是揭破真相就如拆除炸彈般危險艱鉅,在爭分奪秒中隨時送命……

Shock Wave 1
When a terrorist who specializes in explosives takes hold of an underground tunnel, he threatens to kill hostages if his demands are not met.

Shock Wave 2
When a bomb went off unexpectedly during a police operation to disarm it, Poon Shing-Fung, a bomb disposal officer, got caught in the blast and thus lost one of his legs. Poon decided to ...

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