Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  English
Subtitles  English, Chinese (Traditional)

Product Features

  • 1080p
  • Theatrical Trailer

Item Description

黑色幽默 言之有物 影壇玩味話題鉅作
康城影展 評審團大獎得主


大衛 (歌連法路 飾) 被妻子拋棄後變回單身男,於是被送到配對中心。大衛其貌不揚,肥胖內向,早已作好要變成動物的準備,甚至已想好要當一隻龍蝦。大衛在酒店內與瘸腿男 (賓韋沙 飾) 及口吃男 (尊列尼 飾) 因處境相同而成為好友。

為了不想被變成動物,大衛逃到森林中去,在那裡有很多逃亡的單身者藏匿,他們組織成判軍,而判軍團體中最重要的規條就是嚴禁成員談戀愛。大衛在森林中遇上 同樣配對失敗的近視女 (麗素慧絲 飾),二人找到對方的共通點並墜入愛河,但這件事被首領發現後,二人面臨最殘酷的懲罰…

A love story set in the near future where single people, according to the rules of The City, are arrested and transferred to The Hotel. There they are obliged to find a matching mate in 45 days. If they fail, they are transformed into an animal of their choosing and released into The Woods. A desperate Man escapes from The Hotel to The Woods where The Loners live and falls in love, although it is against their rules.

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