

Type: Rider STEAM digital

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Version: Region Free
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Our previous price:US$2.13
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Language  Multilanguage
Type: Rider_
Type: Rider_
Type: Rider_
Type: Rider_
Type: Rider_
Type: Rider_
Type: Rider_
Type: Rider_

Product Features

  • 10 worlds echoing key periods of the typograhy’s history
  • Breath-taking artworks and musical vibes
  • Immersive and intriguing atmosphere
  • Great historical archives and paintings

Item Description

Uncover the history and secrets of Fonts & Characters in a fascinating and unique experience!

Play as 2 dots and travel through the ages of typographic styles and techniques. From the rock paintings of prehistoric times to Pixel art of the 2000s, solve all the riddles by riding the most popular fonts and characters (Garamond, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Pixel, Comic Sans...) in a very captivating musical and visual environment.

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