What's Your Number? [Extended Version]

Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  English, Spanish, Thai
Subtitles  Chinese, English

Item Description

Ally is a woman who has many ex-boyfriends who turned out to be losers. Now she believes that she can't find a good guy. But when she runs into one of her exes who is now a 'Prince Charming', she decides to look up all of her exes to see if any of them have changed for the better. And when she has trouble locating them, she asks her neighbor Colin, who sleeps with women every night and sneaks out the morning after to avoid talking to them, to help her.某天寂寞OL艾莉拜讀一篇雜誌文章,談到所有單身女性的可怕死穴─若然畢生曾經擁有超過20個床上伴侶,將有95% 機會成世嫁唔出,敗犬伴終身!艾莉屈指一算,自己已經拍過19次拖,只剩下一個「黃金機會」的她發誓不再輕易墮入情網,更決定把心一橫找回舊時所有前度,進行「翻兜」大行動!她在超級靚仔鄰居協助下,成功覓到愛過的男孩們,此時卻發現真正的緣份原來遠在天邊近在眼前……《穿PRADA的惡魔、27宜嫁、新娘愛鬥大》爆笑愛情專家 賞賜SURE WIN 求愛秘笈!

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